Leixlip United AFC

Founded 1969

Co. Kildare

Mini Leagues Important Info

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With less than a week to go, we are asking all parents, spectators and managers to familiarise yourselves with the rules below.  These rules are based on past experience of running the event as well as feedback from organisers, players, parents and spectators alike. We are confident if everyone sticks to these rules, the Mini leagues will be an enjoyable and memorable weekend for all involved.
Mini Leagues

● Matches will be 10 minutes per half with a quick turnaround break. (Academy games will be 10 minutes each.)
● Opposition players must retreat(circa 1/3 of the pitch) and cannot touch the ball within the
retreat area before someone from the other team touches it. This applies to all age groups!
● Roll on, roll off substitutions. EVERY child must get equal gametime and the referees will instruct managers when it is time to sub on/off.
● 3 Points for a win, 1 point for a draw.
● If a team goes 3 goals up, the other team is allowed to bring on an extra player. (If they don't
have an extra player then the winning side need to take someone off). This player is then
withdrawn should the team get back to 2 goals down.
● In the case of 2 teams ending up with the same number of points in the table, league position will be based on head-to-head. If head-to-head can’t separate them and their final position would result in a team not qualifying for the semi-finals (eg. 4th & 5th), then a penalty shootout will take place. (Goal difference will not be used at all)
●Should it only be for position within the 4 qualified teams eg. 3rd & 4th, then a coin flick will
determine the final position)
● Semi Finals will take place on Saturday afternoon with 1st playing 4th and 2nd playing 3rd.
● The Finals will all take place on Sunday morning from 10am.



● Players should arrive at least a half an hour before their first match to meet with
their team at their designated meeting point which is marked on the teams sheet. All teams (apart from Academy) have a match on Friday so please check the fixture list for exact times.
● If, for whatever reason you are unable to make it to a match, please let your manager know or
alternatively, contact the club at minileaguesleixliputd@gmail.com so we can notify your team manager.
● Teams should try to meet at least 15 minutes prior to any subsequent fixture in their designated
meeting point. Speak to your manager about this so all players know what the plan is of their
specific team. If you need any information, please go to the Information Desk just inside the main entrance (large gates) to the club.
● Players can wear the colour of the team allotted to them where possible e.g if you are playing for Ireland you could wear green, if you were playing for Liverpool you could wear red etc However, coloured bibs will be provided to all teams so there is no problem if you don’t have a colour that suits.
● All matches will be played on our grass and astro pitches so please wear the appropriate boots (studs) Players must wear shin guards.
● Players should wear sun cream and bring/drink plenty of water for the tournament. Caps are also
advisable when not playing. Rain jackets are recommended too.
● Warm up areas will be available in the cages designated to each team.

Players and parents are asked to remember that our club is still undergoing development work so the ground is uneven in places and building materials remain on site. Please take extra care at our club over the weekend and stay away from uneven/cordoned off areas.



● We expect positive encouragement only from the sidelines in line with the FAI RESPECT OUR GAME initiative:

Positive Sidelines- cheering and clapping for both sides, if you haven’t got something nice to say, stay quiet.
Know your roles- let the players play, let the official referee, let the coaches coach, be a spectators and watch in a positive manner
Silent Sidelines- Let the players play and think and learn for themselves.
Don’t let inappropriate comments, shouting, aggression, physical violence, and laughing at others whilst supporting or coaching a match become the norm! Change it! Challenge it!
When something is left unchallenged, it is viewed as acceptable!
#respect #our #game

● Young players play for fun and enjoyment, and this should take priority over structured
competition, Winning is not the only objective.
● Please note no parents are allowed on the pitches at any time and should not be involved in
coaching from the sideline. Let the young managers manage and the even younger players play! If you have any issues, come to one of the committee members.
● The aim is to have all teams competitive and well matched, therefore teams may be
subject to change where the committee deems necessary.
● The Club Shop will be open providing refreshments on the day. A Coffee Van will
provide hot drinks and hot food will be available on Saturday.
● Photos will be taken over the weekend and are subject to Leixlip United to use.
● The presentation of prizes will take place after the last final on Sunday. Each participant will receive a medal of some sort so please come along and join the celebrations. (circa 1.15pm).
● As parking spaces are limited, we encourage players and spectators to walk or cycle to the event.
● Please bring folding chairs, umbrellas, rain coats, sun cream etc.
Dogs are not allowed at Leixlip United



• Managers to ensure teams are ready to kick off at the allotted times.
• All matches will be 10 minutes per half and will start at the same time under the instruction
of Ciarain  on the mic.
• The referee will have a chat to each team and manager before the start of the match to
ensure the game will be played in good spirit and to remind the players that dirty tackles,
abuse, consistent fouling will not be tolerated. With that, a referee can book players or may
ask you to sub a player off should the referee feel that that’s the appropriate course of
• Do not, under any circumstances, give the referee abuse. If it happens, you will be reported
and most likely removed from your manager's position.
• Matches will be at least 7-a-side but, should space and squad numbers allow, this can be
pushed to 8-a-side or even 9-a-side. This will be decided by the referee at the start of each
• Managers are to ensure ALL children get an EQUAL opportunity to play
Ensure that you are fair with your Substitutions and don't keep subbing the same 2 or 3
weak players. The referee will guide you on when it’s time to rotate your players.
Important: If the referee feels you are making unfair substitutions, he can stop the game
and force you to change.
• Opposition players must retreat(circa 1/3 of the pitch) and cannot touch the ball within the
retreat area before someone from the other team touches it. This applies to all age groups!
• Each coordinator will have a team list with the names of players & managers. So, only those
names listed on a sheet are allowed on the sideline (no extra friends are permitted!)
Managers will be provided with a ‘Manager Lanyard’ which must be worn, so they are easily identified
• If a team goes 3 goals up, the other team is allowed to bring on an extra player. (If they don't
have an extra player then get the winning to take someone off). This player is then
withdrawn should the team get back to 2 goals down.
• To help the children identify their managers, all managers will need to wear a lanyard.These can be collected at the club house on Friday between 5pm - 5:30pm.  Managers will need to wear these at all times. Managers will not be permitted on the sideline without their lanyard.
• Should a spectator/parent/manager give you abuse or argues with you, please report it
straight away to your coordinator or referee so it can be dealt with. You do not have to put
up with that.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at Leixlip United over the weekend.
Any questions, please email minileaguesleixliputd@gmail.com
Mini Leagues

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