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Core Values:
The work of Leixlip United AFC is based on the following principles that will guide the
development of football in this club. Children’s experience of football should be
directed by what is best for the child. The stages of development and the ability of
the child should guide the types of activity provided in the club. Adults require a basic
understanding of the needs of young people, including the physical, emotional and
personal needs. Leixlip United AFC are fully committed to safeguarding the well-
being of its members.
Every individual in the organisation should at all times, show respect and understanding for members rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the organisation.
In Leixlip United AFC, our first priority is the welfare of the young people and we are fully committed to providing an environment which will allow participants to perform to the best of
their ability, free from bullying and intimidation. All of our managers and coaches are
Garda vetted and have taken the FAI Child Safeguarding course.
Our second priority is to ensure that each manager and coach will demonstrate respect for the game by honouring players, spectators and officials, and by promoting positive character
development to all young players in words and deeds. This also equally applies to
the adult experience at Leixlip United AFC.
Fair play is the guiding principle of Sport Ireland’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice
for Children’s Sport. Fair Play is also a FIFA tagline that promotes the spirit of fair play and compassion in association football around the world. Sport Ireland states that “all children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of
fair play”.
Ireland has contributed and is committed to the European Code of Sports Ethics, which defines fair play as: “much more than playing within the rules”. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing with the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of opportunities, excessive commercialisation and corruption. Leixlip United AFC adheres to the ethos of Fair play in both a Sport Ireland and FIFA context.
(European Sports Charter and Code of Ethics, Council of Europe, 1993).
Integrity and Relationships:
Adults interacting with children and each other should do so with integrity and respect. There is a danger that sporting contexts can be used to exploit or undermine children. All adult actions in football should be guided by what is best for the child or adult and in the context of quality, open working relationships. Verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse of any kind is unacceptable within sport.
Quality, Atmosphere and Ethos:
Football and related duties should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging
atmosphere. A child-centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialisation are kept in their appropriate place and age groups. The onus is on the leaders in children’s sport to lead by example in creating an atmosphere that benefits the club and the club’s members. Too often competitive demands are placed on children too early and results in excessive levels of pressure on them and as a consequence, high levels of dropout from sport.
All people should be treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of age, ability, sex, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion. Children and adults with a disability, should be involved in sports activities in an integratedway, thus allowing them to participate to their potential alongside their peers.
A balanced approach to competition can make a significant contribution to the
development of young people, while at the same time providing fun, enjoyment and
satisfaction. Coaches/managers should aim to put the welfare of the child first and
competitive standards second. A child-centred approach based on the FAI’s Player
Development Plan will be followed. Coaches and parents will need to know and
understand the stages of the Player Development Plan.
Guidelines for Young Players:
Leixlip United AFC wishes to provide the best possible environment for all young
people involved in the sport. Young players deserve to be given enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free from abuse of any kind. These players have rights, which must be respected, and also responsibilities to treat other participants and sports leaders with fairness and respect, which they must accept.
Young players are entitled to:
· be listened to
· be believed
· be safe and to feel safe
· be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
· have a voice in the club
· participate on an equal basis
· be happy, have fun and enjoy the sport
· experience competition at a level at which they feel comfortable
· make complaints and have them dealt with
· get help against bullies
· say No
· protect their own bodies
· confidentiality
Young players should always:
· treat all coaches, managers, selectors, club and tournament organisers and
officials with respect
· respect team members, even when things go wrong
· respect opponents and be gracious in victory and defeat
· abide by the rules set down by team managers when travelling to away events
· behave in a manner that avoids bringing the sport of football into disrepute
· talk to the designated person or children’s officer if they have any problems
· play fairly at all times, do their best
Young players should never:
· use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage on or off the pitch
· shout or argue with officials, team-mates or opponents
· bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another player
· harm team members, opponents or their property
· tell lies about another player or adult
· take banned substances
· advise others to take banned substances
· spread rumours
Guidelines for Adult Players:
Leixlip United AFC wishes to provide the best possible environment for all adults involved in the sport. Adults deserve to be given enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities, free from abuse of any kind. These players have rights, which must be respected, and also responsibilities to treat other participants and sports leaders with fairness and respect, which they must accept.
Adult players are entitled to:
· be listened to
· be believed
· be safe and to feel safe
· be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
· have a voice in the club
· participate on an equal basis
· be happy, have fun and enjoy the sport
· experience competition at a level at which they feel comfortable
· make complaints and have them dealt with
· get help against bullying
· say No
· protect their own bodies
· confidentiality
Adult players should always:
· treat all coaches, managers, selectors, club and tournament organisers and
officials with respect
· respect team members, even when things go wrong
· respect opponents and be gracious in victory and defeat
· abide by the rules set down by team managers when travelling to away events
· behave in a manner that avoids bringing the sport of football into disrepute
· talk to the designated person or welfare officer if they have any problems
· play fairly at all times
Adult players should never:
· use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage on or off the pitch
· shout or argue with officials, team-mates or opponents
· bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another player
· harm team members, opponents or their property
· tell lies about another player or adult
· take banned substances
· advise others to take banned substances
· spread rumours
We all have a vital role to play in keeping children and adults involved in our Club
safe from harm. Our priority is to support the development of an informed workforce
who promote safe working practices and who are alert to and respond appropriately
to any indications of concern or potential abuse.
Trustees care of duty (amendment)
1 . “The Trustees may borrow and raise money and secure or discharge any debt
or obligation of, or binding on the Club in such a manner as may be thought fit to
further the purposes of the Club.”
2. “If, upon the winding up of the Club, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its
debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or
distributed among the members of the Club but shall be given or transferred to some
other institution(s), having main objects similar to the mains object(s) of the Club”
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